Saturday, 7 July 2012

Rewards for Server Transfers

New pet Gannifari
Bioware keeps rewarding their subscribers for playing the game. This time they are going to give a new non combat pet, the Gannifari as well as 25 Black Hole Commendations. It should be noted that all subscribers that had their characters either on an original or a destination server would be rewarded.

Your character(s) must be on a qualifying server (which includes destination servers) and your account must be active by July 30, 2012 at 11:59 PM CDT / July 31, 2012 at 4:59AM GMT.

The new pet it's just a bonus where as 25 BH Commendations is the really gift. It seems that BW gives something to new players that were left behind on their PvE progression as before transfers, most servers were dead and groups for FP and Operations were impossible to be formed.

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